Wednesday, April 7, 2010

If we are what we eat... then we are CORN.

Click to expand!

* note the subtle application of the corn into the various illustrations

Corn seems to have found its way into nearly everything we consume! I'd hate to be suffering from a corn allergy, because this is ridiculous! Largely due to the $50 billion the US government has used to stimulate the corn industry over the last decade, we are looking at a surplus of corn in our country. Lucky for us, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) was invented during the 1970's to use up some of this excess corn. Now, four decades later, HFCS and other corn derivatives are in much of our food. Take a look at your average fast food meal. The meat on the burger is from corn-fed cows; corn is the sweetener in the soda; HFCS preserves the soft bun; the fries are (often) fried in corn-oil! That meal is all corn!

So how is this a problem?

According to recent studies by Princeton & Duke Universities, HFCS is responsible for increased obesity and liver-problems. Furthermore, the increase in diabetes in the US correlates with the increase in intake of HFCS. The corn is killing us! Another study marks obesity as the 2nd highest killer of Americans annually (smoking is number one). Think about the media coverage, too. Only 160,000 have been killed by homicide over the last decade; but, 2,800,000 have died from obesity!

Obviously, the news media is not covering this. And ultimately, it is Americans who pay. If we don't speak out, who will?

The poster version of this graphic is available for download, located on the right. It's labeled '67% corn poster' & is 18x24". Thanks!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hey everyone!
Thanks again for all the excellent comments!
Here is a sneak preview as to what is coming... CORN!
Check back later this week to see the full graphic!

In the meantime, I am interested in hearing what graphics ya'll would like to see.
My book focuses on HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT, & ECONOMICS of AmAg, but so far I've been posting exclusively about health online. Is there a topic you guys are interested in seeing more of?! (I aim to please!)

Also, Princeton University just released this article, related to CORN!, to get you in the mood...! Check it out HERE.

Thanks again for all the support & check back soon!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Health: Americans 101

((Click on the graphic to expand for a better view))

I think it is important to establish in this initial post that there IS an undeniable problem in America and it deals with health. The current generation of youth in the United States is predicted to live nearly a decade shorter compared to their parents. They are the first generation in American history to have a shorter life-span expectancy than the previous generation... ever. The average American consumes 90% processed foods daily and only 1-3 fruits or vegetables. These eating habits have resulted in wide-spread health-related illness. 10% of Americans have diabetes and that statistic is rapidly increasing with our youth. Between 1970 & 1994, the caloric intake of Americans increased by 200 calories, and fat consumption doubled (from 19% of a diet in 1977 to 38% in 1995). It is time for Americans to make a change.

This graphic was not created so much to help Americans understand what is going wrong behind the scenes (I am leaving that to later illustrations), but to spark interest. I want all Americans to learn the facts, see the statistics & understand the cost our eating habits incur upon us. This is meant to be a playful introduction to a serious problem.

To me, the statistics are astounding.

But, I am interested in hearing others opinions.
Does any of this surprise you?
Would you change your eating habits?
Do you want to know more?
Do you even care? Seriously, I want to know!

Also, a printable version of this poster will be available shortly.
It is an 18x24" poster. Enjoy!